Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice: A Time of Reckoning
Even as ethnic inequality, violence and racism (hello, Roseanne Barr!) continue to roil Ameria, the new National Memorial for Peace and Justice confronts a shameful era in our country’s past and provides a permanent place for reflection about the painful cost of treating people as less than human.
Trade Wars, Ad Campaigns, and Tackling Issues that Matter
You can be forgiven for not knowing where exactly the U.S. stands on foreign trade on the day-to-day, with talk of everything from trade wars to truces. Yet the shifting economic climate poses a significant challenge to industries trying to market themselves at home and abroad - along with the creative agencies who support them.
Hey Advertisers, Here’s a Lesson: Teachers Are Changing the Game from the Grassroots Up
If advertisers understood the importance of social media before, the protest marches and unprecedented string of teacher strikes provide even more confirmation of digital media’s critical role — when used well — in engaging an audience and shaping public discourse from the grassroots up. K-12 education is a particularly tricky industry for advertisers. It’s one of the two largest industries in the US - comparable with healthcare - accounting for 7.2% of the nations GDP and the largest employer in every state, but spends only a fraction on advertising compared to other industries, according to Forbes.
Women in Advertising: Myths & Facts
What does it take to be a woman at the helm of advertising? What role does gender play in the leadership and growth of creative agencies? I recently set out to answer these questions along with Katy Osborn, doc filmmaker and co-founder of Amelia Street Studio, in our first ever Facebook Live.
Never Again? The Power of Advertising to Move the Gun Debate
It’s a classic ad. Gun-related death statistics from around the world run in a vertical column down the page: 48 people in Japan. 8 in Great Britain. 34 in Switzerland. The list goes on, finally jumping to 10,728 in the United States. A handgun is painted red, white and blue to resemble the nation’s flag.
That was 1981, not long after John Lennon was assassinated.
Nearly four decades later, Progressive Turnout Project, a Democratic political action committee, launched a billboard campaign inspired by 2018 Oscar nominee, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, demanding stricter gun control laws. The group called out US House Speaker Paul Ryan for repeatedly not passing gun reform legislation, particularly after the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Parkland, Fla..