Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
Curmudgeon in the Summer: Reads, Beats, and Eats
With summer in full swing, the Curmudgeon Group team is making the most of the hazy crazy days by diving into some good books, streaming new podcasts and music, and getting creative in the kitchen.
Experiencing Pride: Don’t Wash Us Out
With hundreds of organizations and big brands scrambling to find ways to participate in Pride virtually or otherwise, activists and community organizers are asking us to remember that the leaders of this movement were people of color.
Black Lives Matter – Ongoing Resource List
Whether it’s through monetary donations, actively supporting Black-owned businesses, or continued education — we’ve compiled a list that we hope will be helpful moving forward.
Curmudgeon at Home: Working During a Pandemic
We are a team that has worked together for a while, knows each other’s quirks, and maintains a sense of humor. We're all adapting and learning to be patient while recognizing that the current situation impacts people differently.
5 Tips for Advertising in the Pandemic Era
Responding with flexibility and empathy to current conditions and consumer anxiety is key, and advertisers will be served well by effective and relevant messaging strategies.