Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
#MeToo: A Q&A on Women in Leadership with Curmudgeon Group Founder Josie Davis
At a time when the Twitter hashtag #metoo has officially become a thing — and hopes for serious change along with it — we thought it was time to ask our own Josie Elizabeth Davis, Curmudgeon Group’s founder and Chief Creative Officer, for her take on being an entrepreneur/woman/risk-taker/go-getter at the frontlines of experiential marketing, creative production, PR and advertising.
Times Of Transformation: Art Imitates Life As Gender Is Redefined
In what might be the most significant attempt by a major museum to tackle the subject of gender fluidity in contemporary art, Trigger: Gender as a Tool and a Weapon opened last month on September 27th at the New Museum. The exhibition gives voice to over 40 intergenerational and multi-disciplinary artists investigating “gender’s place in contemporary art and culture at a moment of political upheaval and renewed culture wars.” The collective work explores “gender beyond the binary to usher in more fluid and inclusive expressions of identity.”
(Re)Branding Patriotism: When Sports and Politics Collide
Given the outrageous Trump tweets after NFL football player Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the National Anthem, you would think this is the first time sports and politics (or sports and race, for that matter) have intersected. Not by a long shot.
Theater On The Move: Who Needs A Fourth Wall, Anyway?
A sea of viewers sits quietly enthralled, while a company of actors, established in their world of illusion, make believe they’re not there at all. An imaginary barrier that exists between actors and audiences in theatrical performance, the fourth wall carves out space for realism in a fictional world. But not only is the fourth wall being broken, but theater is on the move, traveling between spaces and city blocks, taking audiences along for the ride. This is immersive theater, and then some.
Disaster Advertising Doesn’t Have To Be A Disaster
As Hurricane Harvey wreaks mayhem in the Gulf, and Irma surges over the Atlantic coast, the idea of marketing your business to hundreds of thousands of consumers in affected areas may seem appealing. It’s entrepreneurship 101: Problems create opportunities, right? Wrong.