Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
Experiencing Augmented Reality: Sound as the Next Frontier
Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are popping up everywhere as brands try to engage consumers with increasingly immersive and compelling experiences. From helping them preview products in real-world environments, embark on virtual tours or extend live experiences, it’s the ultimate in 3-D marketing. While virtual reality takes consumers to different places, augmented reality puts objects in front of their eyes, and now, brings sound to their ears.
A New MoMA for A New Era: Reimagining the Museum Experience
New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is making a bold move, shaking up the way the iconic museum, first opened in 1929, presents everything under its roof, from the depths of the permanent collection, to rotating exhibits and edgy live performances. Radical shifts are underway to change the way visitors view and perceive art in the 21st century; as a result, MoMA’s renovation will provide a blueprint for how other museums around the world can remap the visitor experience far into the new millennium.
Emotional Branding and The Power of Feelings
Like a romantic suitor who gives you butterflies, emotional branding is all about stirring feelings that create positive mental representations, visceral connections, and consistent loyalty to a brand over time. The best emotional branding strategy works from the perspective of the consumer, who wants to be known, inspired, awakened, and helped.
Clothing Brand Gets FUCT
In April of this year, the Supreme Court heard a case that was quite literally FUCT.
Worldwide Fistula Fund 4th Annual Fundraiser: Restoring Dignity for Women and Girls
Join us on May 2nd for the 4th Annual Fundraiser 4th Annual Fundraiser by our client, Worldwide Fistula Fund. We are excited to support and celebrate the expansive efforts by WFF to restore the health and dignity of women and girls suffering from devastating childbirth injuries across sub-saharan Africa. After working with WFF since the fall of 2018, we are excited to serve as a promotional sponsor for their spring fundraising event - and hope to see you there!