Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
Kelly Stachura Photography: For the Love of Dance
Kelly Stachura is the owner and principal photographer for Kelly Stachura Photography, specializing in a variety of photography services, mainly focused on art and dance exhibitions. We sat down with Kelly during a rehearsal last month at C5 Studios to learn a bit more about Kelly and her work:
all i wanna do is dance
The incredible choreography that you see in Fantasmagorie is not possible without help from the following creative minds and spaces here in Chicago.
Artistic Director and Choreographer Jessica Deahr of Chicago Dance Crash brings the wildlife seen in the Fantasmagorie film to live in a whole new way - through 40 minutes of dance. Imagine 15 bodies jumping over one another like squirrel monkeys, or a stage of break dancing sea stars. For the past week, our dancers have worked for 8 hours each day to pick up this unique choreography, perfecting every move, before moving to the water for a week of dress rehearsals on Monday.
how your smartphone can save the rainforest
This Friday, July 22, Fantasmagorie kicks off in Chicago. We are so excited to bring this performance to the Windy City! Audiences will journey from the Great Lakes watershed to the Coral Reefs and into the heart of the Amazon River Basin through live dance, film and music, meeting wildlife and discovering all that our planet's diverse habitat has to offer along the way.
pond5 : expanding creative possibilities
In need of royalty-free footage, music, images or sound effects? Pond5 has you covered! as home to the world’s largest collection of stock footage, Pond5 is committed to fueling creativity by empowering media makers. Pond5 distributes stock imagery, music, and video footage by media makers from around the world on a range of topics and themes, opening up an “ever-expanding world of creative possibilities for artists everywhere.”