Putting the can and can't in cantankerous
Zoom Shirts, Runway Streaming, Upcycled Sweats: Fashion May Never Be the Same
As the world shifts in the face of the pandemic, brand messaging in the fashion industry shifts along with it. The new buzzwords are empathy, comfort, and above all, adaptation.
Influencer Marketing: Heydey or Here to Stay?
Are social media influencers here to stay? Or might consumers begin to reject influencer marketing as it becomes more and more prevalent?
Not Just Entertainment: Brands Explore the Value Add of Going Virtual
While the value add of live, in-person media cannot be replaced, brands are well aware of the cultural phenomena surrounding live streaming.
Advertising in a Politically Charged Environment
In 2020, politics seemed to permeate everything, from get-out-the-vote efforts by companies like Uber and Lyft, to prompts on social media urging users to register and vote. There used to be a sense that politics was bad for business, but it seems we’ve encountered an era where it’s nearly impossible for brands to avoid getting political in some way.
Thank You, Next: Looking Back On A Year Like No Other
From pandemic-born phrases such as super-spreader event and quarantine pod to the culturally significant systemic racism and Black Lives Matter, to unprecedented, a word many of us will be happy to never hear again, this year had everyone talking.